This word is often heard in many icaros in traditional plant medicine ceremonies, often in Peruvian lineages such as the Shipibo. Perhaps you have heard of a translation or read something online and have some inkling to the meaning. The way it has been explained to me is that it is essentially your plant BFF, “your ride or die”. In some ways, the best approach to explain this is to think of our human relationships - our connection to plants is not that different. It’s that feeling of “Aw Rue - you just get me!” Or perhaps, “Cacao - I’m pretty sure I incarnated so that I could be with you.” Maybe you already have such a relationship, or you may be on team “talking to plants what?”. And if you happen to be on the latter side of things then congratulations on finding your way to this page!
As you develop relationships with different plants either through dietas, gardening or even a very delightful tea that just fills your cup with joy, you will notice that there are as many types of relationships with plants as there are with people. Some for a reason, perhaps a season, and then there are those that are around for a lifetime. When you get that feeling: I don’t wanna live without you rose/rue/cacao/etc., then this could very well be your mariri. Your BFF - the one you go to when things get rough, when things are great, and the one you would take a bullet for, Bad Boys for life style. When you know, you know.